A considerable proportion of oral cancer and precancer is not clinically apparent and could contribute significantly to the late diagnosis and high mortality of oral cancer. A simple method to identify such occult change is needed. Patients in the Oral Dysplasia Clinics at British Columbiaare currently being examined with a simple hand-helddevice that permits the […]
Direct visualization of oral-cavity tissue fluorescence.
Early identification of high-risk disease could greatly reduce both mortality and morbidity due to oral cancer. We describe a simple handheld device that facilitates the direct visualization of oral-cavity fluorescence for the detection of high-risk precancerous and early cancerous lesions. Blue excitation light 400 to 460 nm is employed to excite green-red fluorescence from fluorophores […]
Analysis of oral lesion biopsies
Conventional visual examination and palpation remains the gold-standard for the identification of oral mucosal lesions. The purpose of this study was to investigate the adjunctive value of a chemiluminescent light source (ViziLite, Zila Pharmaceuticals, Phoenix, Arizona) and application of pharmaceutical grade toluidine blue (TBlue630, Zila Pharmaceuticals, Phoenix, Arizona) to further assess lesions identified during the […]
Autofluorescenza dei tessuti molli del cavo orale
La fluorescenza è una proprietà tipica di alcune molecole, chiamate fluorofori, in grado di assorbire luce e riemetterla a una lunghezza d’onda maggiore. Nella pratica clinica, i fluorofori esogeni sono sostanze fluorescenti somministrate dall’esterno che si accumulano in specifici tessuti o si legano a specifici bersagli biologici, mentre i fluorofori endogeni sono sostanze fluorescenti normalmente […]
Percorsi diagnostici e terapeutici. Neoplasie di cavo orale, faringe, laringe, ghiandole salivari, tiroide
Il corretto inquadramento diagnostico e terapeutico è condizione indispensabile per garantire risultati ottimali in qualunque patologia neoplastica. La classificazione TNM, nata oltre cinquant’anni fa, è la più efficace proposta di un linguaggio comune per lo scambio di informazioni prognostiche e risultati oncologici e per la programmazione terapeutica. Dal Gennaio 2003 è entrata in vigore la […]
Dental laser drilling: Achieving optimum ablation with the latest generation Fidelis laser systems
This paper provides an overview of the scientific principles of hard dental tissue laser procedures and discusses the influence of laser wavelength, pulse duration and pulse energy. Erbium lasers have been found to be a safe and efficient technological solution for the manipulation of hard dental tissues. The ability to precisely control laser pulse duration […]
Lasers in Endodontics
This paper describes and discusses the use of the Nd:YAG and diode lasers in endodontics. Clinical studies clearly show advantages of laser treatments over currently-used conventional methods and techniques. The most important advantages are improved disinfection efficacy, more effective root canal cleaning, reduction of permeability, reduction of micro-leakage, and elimination of the need to use […]
New Options and Treatment Strategies with the VSP Erbium YAG Aesthetics Lasers
Er:YAG laser resurfacing has been widely recognized as an effective and predictable method to reverse the signs of photo-damage. Whereas other ablative light-technologies have not developed much further, therefore limiting their versatility and applicability, new developments and innovations to Er:YAG lasers have given practitioners a wide variety of new treatment options and strategies. In order […]
State of the Art in Lasers for Dentistry
Lasers have been used in dentistry since 1964. The idea was to be able to treat both soft tissues and hard tissues, including bone, without direct contact, vibrations and pain. Since the early 90’s lasers have been applied in a wide variety of dental application areas. In this paper Prof. dr. Norbert Gutknecht, President of […]
Il tumore orale
I tumori del cavo orale includono i tumori che indorgono nelle labbra, lingua, ghiandole salivari, pavimento della bocca, palato, gengive e tonsille. Fonte Mectron S.p.A.