Adjunctive Techniques for Oral Cancer examination and lesion diagnosis

In the past decades, adjunctive techniques have emerged with claims of enhancing oral mucosal examinations and facilitating the detection of and distinctions between oral benign and oral premalignant and malignant lesions (OPML). Clinicians who use these tools may be unaware of the state of the evidence supporting their effectiveness. Techniques that are promoted or assessed to improve earlier detection and diagnosis of oral malignancy
include toluidine blue (TB), ViziLite Plus with TBlue (Zila Pharmaceuticals, Phoenix), ViziLite (Zila Pharmaceuticals), Microlux DL (AdDent, Danbury, Conn.), Orascoptic DK (Orascoptic, a Kerr Company, Middleton, Wis.), VELscope (LED Dental, White Rock, British Columbia, Canada) and OralCDx
(Oral CDx Laboratories, Suffern, N.Y.) brush biopsy.

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Lauren L. Patton
Joel B. Epstein
A. Ross Kerr