In the 1950s, based on the theory of stimulating radiant energy published by Albert Einstein in 1916, the collaboration of physicists and electrical engineers, searching for monochromatic radiation to study the spectra of molecules, led to the invention of the first laser in 1960. Ophthalmologists and dermatologists were the first to study the biological effects […]
Applicazioni LLLT sui tessuti molli
Gli effetti della biostimolazione laser a bassa intensità (Low Level Laser Therapy, ovvero LLLT) sono, come abbiamo potuto vedere nella precedente cartella, un effetto antiflogistico, un effetto antibatterico, un effetto biostimolativo ed un effetto antalgico. Autore Gian Franco Franchi
LLLT applications on soft tissues
The effects of low intensity laser biostimulation (Low Level Laser Therapy or LLLT) are, as we saw in the previous folder, an anti-inflammatory effect, an antibacterial effect, an effect bio stimulators and analgesic effect. [iframe src=”” width=”100%” height=”480″] Gian Franco Franchi Studio Pescatore – odontoiatria
Thermal laser-skin interaction has principal role in laser dermatology, and it can be successfully modelled and measured. For modelling, the seminar covers all the steps involved, which range from determination of laser beam and skin optical properties, treatment of light propagation in the tissue, thermal diffusion of heat to thermal effects prediction. As a simple […]
In this paper we shall approach only the interaction of laser radiations with highly scattering and/or absorbing biological materials (i.e., opaque materials). The photon multiple scattering by cells and tissues is approached from the perspective of the general propagation theory (i.e., simple diffusion) of a particular physical magnitude, provoked by its conjugated gradient. In this […]
Effects of Low-Intensity Polarized Visible Laser Radiation on Skin Burns: A Light Microscopy Study
This study was carried out to investigate the influence of low-intensity polarized visible laser radiation on the acceleration of skin wound healing. Background Data: Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) at adequate wavelength, intensity, and dose can accelerate tissue repair. However, there is still unclear information about light characteristics, such as coherence and polarization. Some studies indicate […]
Results of fractional ablative facial skin resurfacing with the erbium:yttrium-aluminium-garnet laser 1 week and 2 months after one single treatment in 30 patients
The erbium:yttrium-aluminium-garnet (Er:YAG) laser has recently been used in the fractional resurfacing of photo-aged skin. Our study evaluated the results after one single session of fractional resurfacing with Er:YAG. Thirty women participated in the study, with an average age of 46 years, skin types from II to IV, and wrinkle grades I to III. The […]
Instabilities of Short-Pulse laser Propagation through Plasma Channels
The stability of short laser pulses propagating through plasma channels is investigated theoretically.Perturbation to the laser pulse are shown to modify the ponderomotive pressure, which distors the dielectric properties of the plasma channel. The channel perturbation then further distors the laser pulse. A set of coupled mode equation is derived and a matrix dispersion relation […]
Computer Simulations of Laser Ablation of Molecular Substrates
Laser ablation of molecular systems constitutes a basis for a diverse range of well-established applications, from matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) and other laser-driven techniques for mass spectrometric analysis of large nonvolatile biomolecules1-3 to laser surgery4 and to surface microfabrication and pulsed laser deposition (PLD) of organic films and coatings. Emerging applications of laser ablation […]
Safe and Effective One-Session Fractional Skin Resurfacing Using a Carbon Dioxide Laser Device in Super-Pulse Mode: A Clinical and Histologic Study
Carbon dioxide (CO2) laser ablative fractional resurfacing produces skin damage, with removal of the epidermis and variable portions of the dermis as well as associated residual heating, resulting in new collagen formation and skin tightening. The nonresurfaced epidermis helps tissue to heal rapidly, with short-term postoperative erythema. The results for 40 patients (8 men and […]