curves can be constructed. This is ideal. If result
frequency distributions are not given but ROC
curves are presented, ordinal regression methods can
be used to model an aggregate ROC curve (Tosteson
and Begg 1988). In addition, an aggregate likeli-
hood ratio curve can be modeled using logistic
regression techniques (Irwig 1992).
If each evaluation reports only one or a few
sensitivity and specificity pairs or, in the case of a
two-group prognostic study, only a few of the
fraction correctly classified pairs, the findings from
all the evaluations should be plotted together gener-
ating an aggregate ROC curve. The data can also be
modeled to yield a summary ROC curve (Littenberg
and Moses 1993, Irwig et al. 1994). Data pairs that
lie at some distance from a fitted summary ROC
curve are outliers. Explaining such outliers is an
essential component of a quantitative meta-analysis.
A thorough and systematic examination of the
methods employed in the evaluations must be
conducted to identify the methodological differences
that resulted in outlying findings (Charlson
et al.
Sometimes it is not possible to generate aggre-
gate performance data as part of a meta-analysis
because the reported findings are not consistent with
the assumption of a shared underlying classification
performance. In that case, methodological review of
the evaluations should reveal the causes of the
variability in the data. It can also happen that the
assembled data do not combine in such a way as to
yield a complete description of the diagnostic or
predictive performance of a study. This happens,
for instance, when the evaluations are concerned
with study performance only in a restricted range,
such as when describing the performance of a
diagnostic study only at critical values for which the
specificity is near 0.95. Then all that can be done is
to average the data to produce a single performance
pair—not one associated with a stipulated critical
value but, rather, one associated with a predeter-
mined value of one of the members of the pair.
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Evaluating Classification Studies